Adding/Modifying Meta Title & Meta Description (Page SEO) for Collection Pages
Setting up Meta Title & Meta Description
in today's digital market helps your website in better indexing and in
search results. We would recommend you to always add the Meta Title and
Description for each page so that it will help your website in indexing.
You can easily modify the Page SEO in Vacation Labs for any Collection Page.
To modify the Meta Title & Description for any Collection Page, please follow the below steps,
- Login into Vacation Labs
- Click on the Product Tab.
- Click on the Collection.

- Select the Collection for which the Meta Title & Description need to be modified.
- Click on the Edit button.

- Scroll down you can find an Edit SEO Settings option.

- Click on Edit SEO Settings
- You can find the option to modify the Page SEO, Facebook Post, URL, etc.
- Update the content.
- Click on Save.
What's Next?
We would recommend you to check our article on Adding/Modifying Meta Title & Meta Description (Page SEO) for Static Pages to enhance your static page SEO.
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