Accessing the blog admin if your website is behind a CDN

Accessing the blog admin if your website is behind a CDN

You need to perform these steps ONLY IF If your website is being served on a CDN.

Quick overview

  1. Confirm that you are unable to access the blog's admin area
  2. Add a local host entry to access the blog's admin area
  3. Verify that you are able to login to the blog's admin area
  4. Revert changes after making changes to your blog: Comment out the local host entry

Verifying you can't access the blog's admin area

1. Go the blog admin login url (it should appear something like  and enter the ID and Password and try to login
2. You will either get a cookie error prompt (refer screenshot below)
3. Or in place of the login page you will get a checking connection screen and it will stay on this screen without any redirection (refer screenshot below)

Please follow the steps given below ONLY IF you face the error demonstrated above

Adding Local Host Entry

Please follow the steps below to do so:

1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc folder

2. Inside the etc folder you will be able to see a file titled "hosts"

3. Click and drag this file on the homepage of your desktop and place it there

4. Open the hosts file with NOTEPAD and it will appear something like this

5. At the end of the file type the IP address you want to map, followed by a space, and then the hostname. (refer screenshot below)
Please ask the VL team for the IP address and hostname you need to add by reaching out at

6. SAVE the changes you have made to the file
7. Drag and drop the hosts file back to the etc folder.

Verify you can now enter the blog's admin panel

In order to check if the entries are working and you are able to enter the Blog admin panel, please follow the steps below:
  1. Type in the website name followed by /blog/wp-admin (For example -
  2. The login page should appear something like this (refer screenshot below)
  3. Enter the username and password and access your Blog Admin panel.

Revert changes after making changes to your blog

Removing the local host entry
1. Navigate to C:>Windows>System32>drivers>etc folder

2. Inside the etc folder you will be able to see a file titled "hosts"

3. Click and drag this file on the homepage of your desktop and place it there

4. Open the hosts file with NOTEPAD and it will appear something like this

5. Add a # in front of the IP Address and hostname you had entered earlier, this will turn it from an actual local host entry into just a comment,
And next time you can just remove the # and make it a local host entry again when you need to access the blog' admin area

6. SAVE the changes you have made to the file
7. Drag and drop the hosts file back to the etc folder.

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