Setting up Meta Pixel for conversion tracking

Setting up Meta Pixel for conversion tracking

Quick Overview 

  1. Creating an event

  1. Installing pixel code to Vacation Labs

  1. Confirming that the Pixel is installed on the website

  1. Event setup

  1. Event testing

  1. Confirming that the event is being tracked

Creating an event 

Login to your Meta business account and navigate to click on 'All Tools,' then click on 'Events Manager.'

Now you will be redirected to the Event Manager page. Then click on 'Connect Data Sources.'

Select 'Web' and click on Connect.

Next, create a new 'Dataset'.

Add your website and click on 'Check'.

In the next step, choose the second option, i.e., 'Do it yourself,' and click 'Next'.

Choose the 'Meta Pixel only' option in How to connect your website.

Select the 'Install code manually' option.

Click on 'Copy code'.


Installing pixel code to Vacation Labs 

Install the code in Vacation Labs login by navigating to Website > Advanced Settings, and in the header section, paste the code.

Confirming that the Pixel is installed on the website  

To confirm whether the pixel code is installed on your website, you can either check by viewing the source code or install an extension on your Chrome browser called 'Meta Pixel Helper' (

To check by source code, simply press Ctrl+U on your website, then press Ctrl+F and search for 'Meta Pixel'.


Event Setup 

If you want to set up an event such as tracking button clicks or specific URLs, select 'Open event setup tool'.

Enter the website URL and click on 'Open website'.

In this, you can either track a button or a specific URL. After you have configured it, click on 'Finish setup'.

If you want to track a booking confirmation page where customers successfully complete bookings by paying through a payment gateway, you need to create a Custom Conversion. To create a custom conversion, click on 'Data Sources,' then click on 'Create,' and finally, click on 'Create Custom Conversion'.

Enter the values such as the name for the custom conversion, add the URL keyword in the Booking confirmation page. The URL contains '/confirmation', so add it and create the conversion.

Also, you need to whitelist the URLs before testing the conversion. To do that, select 'Settings' on the data source, scroll down to the last option, and you will find the 'Allow list' option. Click on 'Create Allow list'.


Here, enter your live domain and also the subdomain which was created by Vacation Labs before taking your site live.

You will find the subdomain in the Vacation Labs login by navigating to Website > General > Domain settings.

Event testing

To test the event you have created, you need to visit the website, and the event will fire. You will then see the real-time data under Test Events.

To test the Custom Conversion, navigate to the Custom Conversion, and the status of the custom conversion will be in an inactive state. To make it active, make a test booking. When the payment is made and the page is redirected to the Booking Confirmation page, the custom conversion will become active.



Confirming that the events are being tracked

Click on the data source, and in the overview of the created data source, you will find the Event activity.

For the custom conversion created to track the Booking confirmation page, you need to navigate to the Custom Conversion, where you will see that the conversion is being tracked.